Services & Capabilities
We offer a wide variety of Services and Solutions for all your Aviation repair and maintenance needs. If you're not sure if we can help, give us a call! We will be more than happy to review your project needs.

Transport Canada rated to weld in all ten aviation alloy groups, certified in accordance with AWS-D17. We have highly skilled full time welders ready to take on anything aviation related.

We offer wide variety of machining solutions including;
-Jig Boring

We have a wide variety of grinding equipment at our disposal including;
-Jig Grinding
-Surface Grinding
-Cylindrical Grinding up to 8' Length x 5' Diameter

Electro Plating
We plate with an environmentally friendly method utilizing conforming anodes and robbers to ensure uniform build up. For more information on our processes click the learn more button below.
-Hard Chrome & engineered chrome
-Nickel Plating
-Silver Plating
-Cad Plating with 3 conversion coatings
-Portable brush plating

Non Destructive testing.
We have 2 highly experienced MPI and LPI Technicians that perform all testing in house. We also offer mobile LPI testing.
-Magnetic Particle Inspection
-Liquid Penetrant Inspection
-Nital Etch

Shot Peening
In accordance with OEM and AMS specifications

Heat Treatment
Heat Treament utilizing Atmospheric and Salt Kilns to the required AMS specification

Media Blasting
-Aluminum Oxide
-Glass Bead
-Plastic Media
-Glass Grit

We have in house painting capabilities meaning less down time for you

Repair Development
We work closely with the required engineers and DAR / DER's to develop approved repairs.